办理世界各港口泰国拼箱 欢迎添加微信和手机18826441634

We are proud to be one of the few UK companies to be awarded the status of Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) by HMRC. We are also members of BIFA, FIATA and are accredited with the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

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Our bespoke in house online platform continues to receive positive feedback from our client base. DataNet allows registered users to access the latest details for their shipments including copy documentation at the click of a button.从业经验都是10年以上,全部具备良好的业务处理能力,竭诚为广大客户提供最优质、最安全,最快捷,最经济的国际海运业务。可根据客户委托,办理国内至世界各港口的国际海运集装箱整箱、拼箱的出口运输代理业务,包括审核客户提供的所有清单和托书,缮制各种单证,订舱,报关,办理产地证,商检证,集装箱租赁,装箱,散货拼箱,快递,及国内外单证等。并可根据客人要求代理国外到付和到门服务。公司有严格和完整的业务操作制度和流程。从提货开始到货物运达目的地全程按照行业标准进行操作。对所承运的货物进行全程的信息跟踪和查询,让我们的客户及时掌握出运货物的当前状态。